Monday, July 19, 2010

Day 3

This weekend was tough. Weekends always are. I did great on Saturday, then Saturday night i had 5 martinis. Not on plan. But, I am going to get up, dust my knees off and keep going. So here is my story...

I was a size 4 in high school. I am 27 now and have gained about five pounds per year. When my size 14 pants were getting snug, i realized how unhappy i was with my body. So i joined Weight Watchers and lost thirty pounds. This was about two years ago, and just a month ago, I stepped on the scale and I weigh exactly what I did before I started Weight Watchers, 197 lbs. I could not believe after all that hard work, I had gained it all back. Gosh, that sucks!

So here I am, back at square one. I am doing Weight Watchers online this time instead of going to the meetings. I'm down five pounds so far. It feels good, but i am not loving it. I miss sweets. Right now I would love a big ol bowl of Cocoa Puffs.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Day 1

At first I was going to title this "My Weight Loss Journey". But that is not what this is. This is not fun, or glamorous. But it is necessary.

I'm headed to the river to float. I am not going to pack my usual float beverage, a 20 oz vodka lemonade.
:( Bummer. Diet orange soda, here I come!

I am not excited about putting on my swimsuit, my one-piece swimsuit. But the sunshine is calling me name.